Friday, January 25, 2013

How does twitter following and followers work?

Q. Like I have 14 followers and 13 following, I know the 13 are the people I'm following but who are the 14 people? Do I have to follow them back? And how come I went from 32 followers to 13?

A. so basically you can follow people and the people you choose to follow become the people your following (i hope that made sense, lol) so the people that you are following their tweets will show up in your timeline (like your home page on twitter) so your followers are people that follow you. your tweets will show up in their timeline. the 14 people are strangers, unless you know them (like if a friend of yours follows you). most of the time when i get a new follower i go on their profile page and if i like their tweets i will follow them, also if you follow them there is less of a chance they will unfollow you. but you don't need to follow them if you don't want to. the reason you went from 32 followers to 13 is because the people that were following you unfollowed you, so they will not show up as a follower anymore there are many reasons why a person might unfollow you from twitter (one example is they don't like your tweets). I hope this helped and i wasn't to confusing :S

For experts of twitter: how do I get start getting popular?
Q. I created this alterego and id like to have lots of friends, saying things and stuff, but i dont know where to start getting some friends!

A. Be interesting.

Don't just follow people in the hopes that they follow back, and don't follow someone just because they're following you. Only follow people if they are interesting. What's the point of having one of those followers who's following like, 50,000 people? It's not like they're actually reading your tweets. They can't possibly read all of the tweets of everybody they are following.

How long must a Twitter account be inactive before Twitter deletes it?
Q. If you create a Twitter account but don't use it for awhile, how long will it be before Twitter deletes it? And how often do you have to use the Twitter account in order to keep it active?


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